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Embodied Counselling & Art Therapy

The Make It Well is a creatively responsive, embodied Counselling and Art Therapies service. We welcome you… as you are, supporting you in empowered embracing and expanding of all aspects of your whole self.

Bringing together passions of: wellbeing, the body supported by breath and embodied presence, life being an opportunity of curiosity, learning and growth… and creativity as a conduit for connectivity and expression, Jessica Wilkes at The Make It Well offers confidential, tailored sessions using a Person Centred, integrated approach.

Whether you are seeking support to navigate specific mental health and wellbeing challenges, if there are parts of your self you would like to safely explore, whether you are seeking clarity or expansion or whether you are curious about the possibilities of a Counselling or Art Therapy journey… The first step is to get in touch.

You can book a free 15 minute online confidential chat to confirm if this service will suit you well.

Modalities of Therapy

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Talk Therapy

Being truly heard in a space of trust can offer relief, new perspectives, gains in insight, and opportunity to experience relating without being judged.

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Walk Therapy

For clients who prefer to walk and talk or find being in the presence of nature more easeful.

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Art Therapy

Creative Art Therapies invites safe exploration of conscious and unconscious material through supported facilitation.

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Online Therapy Sessions

Attending a physical service isn’t always practical, preferred or appropriate for all individuals.

This one precious life, is here, now, in this moment. The cloth of life is woven from each of these moments.

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It is often not til we step back, that we can truly notice our handiwork… and choose to weave this cloth into something we cherish.